How to Declutter Your Home Fast Before a Move

by / Monday, 29 July 2019 / Published in Storage
how to declutter

Moving is a stressful time in anyone’s life. You don’t want any important valuables lost in the shuffle. That’s why careful planning and organization is key for a successful move.

But where do you start?

In this guide, you’ll learn how to declutter your home quickly so you can plan, pack, and settle in faster.

1. Take at the Trash

You’re used to taking out the garbage, but you’ll be surprised by how much more trash is lurking in your home.

Besides kitchen and wastebasket garbage, here are several more places where trash collects:

  • Wardrobes and linen closets
  • Laundry rooms
  • Drawers
  • Under the bed
  • Under the radiator
  • Cabinet tops
  • Room corners
  • Refrigerator
  • Desks

Search these locations for things that are no longer useful. There’s no sense in bringing trash into your new home.

Don’t forget to go through all your junk drawers to see what you can keep and what you can toss. Junk drawers contain those smaller necessities you want on-hand. Look for post-it notes, pens, pencils, erasers, paper clips, business cards, take-out menus, or spare batteries.

2. How to Declutter Your Unwanted Items

Once you separate your trash from recyclables, you can properly dispose of your unwanted items. Make sure to send trash you can’t recycle to the dump. Take all recyclable glass, plastics, and paper to your local recycling service.

You may have several items to donate as well. Goodwill, Salvation Army, schools, libraries, and nonprofit charities are ideal places to drop off unwanted items that are still in good shape.

If you’re unsure what is appropriate to donate, many nonprofits and schools list what they need on their websites. As well, the following items are regularly asked for and donated.

  • Winter clothes
  • Books
  • Children’s toys
  • Picture frames
  • Jewelry boxes
  • Unwanted ceramics
  • Old but functional electronics
  • Halloween costumes
  • Unwanted board games

Before you donate, make sure all your donated items are clean and ready to go. Go through your donated items once more to make sure you weren’t dumping off a bag of trash.

3. Dust, Sweep, and Mop

After you’ve taken out all the trash, take the opportunity to thoroughly clean your home. Decluttering in a clean space is better for your mood, productivity, and decision-making.

First, sweep every nook and cranny in the house. Then, dust your surfaces, floors, and furniture with moist rags and synthetic dusters. Afterward, wipe down these areas with an all-purpose cleaner.

Don’t forget to keep your windows open while you clean. Dust and cleaners can clog your lungs, but fresh air will help increase your oxygen levels.

Leave your mopping to the end and allow an hour or two for your floors to dry. This would be a perfect time to take a break and prepare for the next step organization

4. Separate Your Storage Items

If you have a lot of belongings and valuables, chances are you’re going to need a storage unit. If that’s the case, your next step should be to separate storage items from moving truck items.

Storage units are great for large items that you don’t need right away but want to keep for the future. These items may include inherited furniture, old clothing, collections, memorabilia, old game consoles, or mini refrigerators.

Once you’ve separated those items from the bunch, rent an adequate and safe storage unit. Separating out your items beforehand also gives you a better idea of how much space you’ll need to rent.

5. How to Declutter by Category

Once you have your storage unit items out of the way, shift your focus to your moving truck items. These are the belongings you immediately want for your new home.

Grab a clipboard and take stock of your home’s inventory. Moving truck items may include furniture, refrigerators, current wardrobes, sports equipment, books, appliances, and large electronics.

Don’t throw your back out trying to move large items like refrigerators, beds, or sofas. A professional mover can handle that for you.

Then box smaller items like appliances and small electronics in storage boxes. Label each storage box with its own label. Separate items like wires, school supplies or bathroom accessories, so you can easily find them later.

Use envelopes lined with bubble wrap for smaller items like jewelry or flash drives.

6. How to Declutter Severely Cluttered Spaces

Some spaces are just more cluttered than others. This is especially true if you have a basement or an attic. If several people are living in your home you’ll have more clutter. Many individuals also find it hard to throw things away they’ve collected over the years.

If this is the case, you may want to consider hiring a professional organizer to help you declutter your home. Paying a little extra for professional decluttering can save your sanity, time, and even more money. Plus, it’s a great way to start fresh with a new home.

You also want to start decluttering early if your home is packed with items. Leaving your decluttering for the last minute may increase your risk of damaging or losing expensive items.

7. Leave No Stone Unturned

Always have that feeling that you forgotten something? It never hurts to do a once-over after a full decluttering.

Walk through each room and make sure you account for every item. Don’t forget those hard-to-reach spaces you cleaned out in step one.

You may also want to go through your storage unit and pull out any last minute items you do want in your house.

Moving Forward

Now that you’re clutter-free, your next step is to stay that way.

Don’t let clutter complicate your next move or your new life. Keep this guide on-hand to learn how to declutter fast before it’s too late.

Want more ways to cut down on moving stress? Check back often for tips on making any move easier.